Press Room
Click on a link to read more!
about our house:
about our bowling ball collection:
- On the Ball book chronicles our art collection
- Sports Illustrated article
about our art:
- Safety Harbor Public Arts Committee brochure
About the Safety Harbor Arts and Music Center:
- Tampa Bay Times article announcing SHAMc
- Tampa Bay Times article about winning the Pepsi Refresh Grant
- Safety Harbor Patch article about SHAMc progress
- 83 degrees article about SHAMc-
- St. Petersburg Times article about Shine On fundraiser to benefit 3 charities (1999)
- Butterfiles of Hope to benefit the Florida Holocaust Museum and the Outdoor Arts Foundation (2005)
- Tampa Bay Times article on Peace by Piece holiday fundraiser to benefit Burma (2009)
- Jeff Daniels fundraiser to benefit SHAMc (2011)
- Holidazzle fundraiser to benefit SHAMc (2011)
- LuWOW to benefit SHAMc (2012)
Other media: